Resources and Downloads


Files for VERIFY

TMS Protocol for VERIFY

TMS Safety Checklist

TMS Source Document for Stroke Patients

TMS Source Document for Healthy Volunteers

TMS Technique Check Form for Standard Sites

TMS Technique Check Form for Fast Track Sites



Manuals and Guides

REDCap E-Consent Guide

Healthy Volunteer REDCap Data Entry Instructions


MEP Traces Cheat Sheet

EMG Troubleshooting Cheat Sheet

Tips for TMS with VERIFY Stroke Patients



MEGA-TMS Resources

Focus EMG User Manual

MEGA-TMS Manual 1.0.7

MEGA-TMS Trolley Assembly Manual


MEGA-TMS Software – Neuro-MEP.Netomega- file

MEGA-TMS Settings for VERIFY VERIFY Settings+V2 file

Instructions for Downloading or Updating MEGA-TMS Software and Settings Should be used if you need to install the MEGA-TMS software on a new laptop. If you cannot access the PDF for any reason the instructions can also be found at the bottom of the MEGA-TMS Information page.

Instructions for VERIFY Laptop Hard Reset and Software InstallationShould be used if the VERIFY laptop is running extremely slowly or takes an extended period of time to load past the black start-up screen when you turn the laptop on.


Quizzes and Certification

Click below for practice quizzes to assess your learning on each module. These quizzes will not be marked or reviewed and can be attempted unlimited times.

Once the practice quiz for a module has been completed you will be emailed a link to the final quiz for that module. If you pass the final quiz with at least 80% correct you will be emailed a certificate of completion for that module. You must pass the practice quiz for a module before you can attempt the final quiz for certification on that module.

SAFE Score practice quiz

TMS Overview practice quiz (see information at bottom of link about how to access the practice quiz)

TMS Safety Checklist practice quiz

EMG Technique practice quiz

VERIFY TMS Protocol practice quiz

Simple MEP Identification practice quiz

Challenging MEP Identification practice quiz




Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Primer

Safety and Recommendations for TMS use in Healthy Subjects and Patient Populations, with Updates on Training, Ethical and Regulatory Issues: Expert Guidelines

Seizures from Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation 2012-2016: Results of a Survey of Active Laboratories and Clinics

Determining the Functional Status of the Corticospinal Tract Within One Week of Stroke
Only 3 MEPs are needed to classify someone as MEP+ for VERIFY (or 1 MEP if at 100% intensity during bilateral facilitation), not 5 MEPs as indicated in the above link.
ECR electrodes are placed in a belly-tendon montage for VERIFY, not both over the muscle belly as indicated in the above link.